City Council Applicant Interview Panel Openings

Posted by City Hall on May 21, 2021

At the City Council Meeting on May 17th, Council finalized the process to incorporate the citizens of Vernonia in the interview process to fill the vacant position on the City Council.

Council will form 1 Citizen Recommendation Panel consisting of five (5) citizens. The panel will appoint one (1) member to be their moderator during the interviews.

To be eligible panelists must:

  • Live in the Vernonia city limits
  • Be a registered voter
  • Are not a City of Vernonia employee
  • Be available to interview candidates July 1st -July 15th, 2021.

Citizens interested in sitting on the Citizen Recommendation Panel must complete an application. Applications can be found Here or picked up at City Hall during regular business hours. Completed applications should be sent to the City Recorder Stephanie Borst, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064 or via email Applications from interested parties will be received until June 30th, 2021 at 5:00pm.

Council will select 5 members from the pool of interested citizens. At the City Council Meeting, Council will select 5 panelists; Council will also draw 3 alternates in case any original panelist cannot commit to the service.

We will be scheduling date/times for the panel to interview City Council candidates between the dates of July 1st and July 15th, 2021.