Posted by City Hall on Dec 11, 2020

Proposed Zoning Map/Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment in the City of Vernonia, File No. PA 20-03

When: Planning Commission: January 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm (held online, see agenda for details)

City Council: February 1, 2021 at 7:00 pm (held online, see agenda for details)

Where: The hearings will be online only. See agenda for details.

Why: The City proposes to change the Zoning on 717 Rose Ave. from General Commercial (GC) to Downtown Zone (DT).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vernonia Planning Commission and City Council, will conduct public hearings on a request by the City of Vernonia to amend the Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Map for 717 Rose Ave.

SAID PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission and City Council online only. These will be public hearings at which time proponents and opponents of the proposed Zone/Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment will be heard.

A staff report will be available to the public at CityHall one week before the hearings, and may be copied for a nominal fee. Public testimony is welcome, and written statements will also be received before the hearing.

The meeting location is online, and therefore accessible to persons with disabilities.

The City of Vernonia is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.